Rakes and Gentlemen

Rakes and gentlemen are covertly spying on each other across Europe.
Find out your opponent's hidden spy routes!
Identify both the start and end point of a secret spy route to expose it
– but be careful not to uncover your own!
Expose all pairs of the opposing team to win!

This is a two-player hotseat game, set in 18th century Europe,
with the gameplay resembling that of Memory.

The gentlemen featured are:
Immanuel Kant
René Descartes
Carl von Linné
David Hume

The rakes featured are:
Marquis de Sade
John Wilkes
Giacomo Casanova
Lorenzo da Ponte

This game is only verified to be compatible with Chrome on Windows 10 – other setups may or may not work.

Game prototype made by Katarsis Software, published by Aifoskela.

Version history:

240518 – Project started; prototype cooked. (Accumulated a total of 1 full day dedicated to this project.)
240519 – Prototype published.
240627 – Prototype reenvisioned into a novel concept and published as such: a Memory-like spy game, involving more strategy than the original gameplay. Due to the inclusion of textures, and not only simple colours, compatibility with browser use on iOS sadly was lost. (Accumulated a total of 2 full days dedicated to this project.)

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